Practical Psychic Self-Defense©
Practical Psychic Self-Defense© Course is a revolutionary set of advanced techniques to create energy shields for one’s self and loved ones as protection against physical, etheric, emotional mental and occult attacks whether deliberate on unconscious. it discusses how to utilize universal principles and understand universal laws to make permanent shields as protection from being attacked psychically as well as not attacking others.
To protect you from the negative and harmful influences of such thoughts and emotions that prevent you from being successful, confident and in peace, Practical Psychic Self-Defense©is the remedy.
Practical Psychic Self-Defense© teaches the scientific methods of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect yourself, your belongings and love ones.
A revolutionary set of advanced techniques to create energy shields for one’s self and loved ones as protection against physical, etheric, emotional mental and occult attacks whether deliberate on unconscious. it discusses how to utilize universal principles and understand universal laws to make permanent shields as protection from being attacked psychically as well as not attacking others.
We are living in an ocean of thoughts, emotions and energies, not all of which are beneficial for our success and well-being. Thoughts and emotions basically have power, especially if are directed towards a person or nation by a great number of people. It sometimes happens that you are feeling very positive and confident and suddenly in the midst of doing a work or giving a presentation you feel doubtful, low self-esteem or stressed; the effect can also sometimes appear so tangible as feeling weak, low or depressed. If you are not protected thus, you will be affected physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even financially.
To protect you from the negative and harmful influences of such thoughts and emotions that prevent you from being successful, confident and in peace, Practical Psychic Self-Defense© is the remedy.
Practical Psychic Self-Defense© teaches the scientific methods of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect yourself, your belongings and love ones.
After the course you should be able to
- Understand how psychic attacks and weakening thoughts work
- Shield yourself from the influences of psychic attacks
- Protect yourself and your loved ones from physical, emotional and mental harm
- Shield your belongings against robbery and physical harm
- Use certain objects to divert the effects of psychic attacks and contaminations
- Use the power of live to calm down an angry or irritated person
- Protect your business and finances from envious competitors
- Safeguard your children’s innocent consciousness from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs and negative influences of outside environment
Practical Psychic Self-Defense© is a must learn workshop for everyone, especially the managers, consecutives, students, tutors and parents as it introduces effective ways of protecting oneself from negative thoughts and emotions of others. It is also highly recommended for those who are determined in pursuing their dreams and achieve greater success.
Course Prerequisite Pranic Psychotherapy
The workshop is a 8-hour course covered in a day. The course fee is inclusive of the course Book, CD and an Internationally recognized e-Certificate to pursue higher levels of Pranic Healing courses anywhere around the world. Light refreshment and vegetarian lunch will be served.