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What was lifelike before Pranic Healing?
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What made you choose Pranic Healing?
How has this made a difference in your personal and professional life?
What has surprised you most about the experience?
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Everyone has their own way of dealing with their struggles but if we dive deep that struggle is at the end of the day causing things like anxiety, stress, trauma, depression.
Me being gods favourite child have managed to walk lifes path by practicing Gratitude, Calmness and always seeking guidance for what I still don't know.
It's a cosmic calling that makes us try new disciplines and modalities. After getting my regression done I had this deep urge of giving some good back to the society (whatever I could) hence I chose Pranic Healing.
The most surprising, rewarding and now the most cherished blessing I've witnessed from the almighty through Pranic comes in the form of a mighty human who saved me from spiraling down.
After left with nothing in my life to be motivated for Vikash sir came as a guardian angel in my life.
At times there this feeling you get that he's not gonna let you fall right... same I got from him. Heartfelt Gratitude Sir.